What is Religion?

According to the Webster’s Dictionary the definition of religion is “the belief in a god or in a group of gods; an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used to worship a god or a group of gods; an interest, a belief, or an activity that is very important to a person or group.” My personal opinion on what religion is, is the belief that there is a higher power or non-corporeal entity that created the world and watches over and protects the people.

Most everyone thinks their religion is the one true religion. Heck we even have religious wars, do the Crusades ring a bell, because some people think so highly of their religion. Different religious beliefs can even tear families apart. What some people don’t stop to think about is that every one of us is unique and so is our religious belief system, thank you Grandma Hopp for teaching me that small fact.

Stop and think we are not all the same size, shape, or color so why should we all believe in the same God or Gods. We need to look past what we believe in religiously and start looking at the person. After all the research that I have done over the years the same fact keeps coming up no matter whether it’s from Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, or Paganism and that is the higher power from all religions love us and want us to accept our fellow man; not to judge him.

The curious thing I have noticed is that, out of all the religions out there, the ones most accepting are Pagans, Catholics, Jewish, Muslims, and a few others I’m sure that I’ve come across.

We all need to get along, but with all of us having various strong ideas and opinions that is going to be hard, what we need to do is to start respecting our fellow man and his or her religious beliefs by not only preaching the teachings of our faith but living by them as well.

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