Some Things are Worth the Wait

Yes, much to some peoples chagrin the statement “some things are worth the wait” is very true.  We have become an ‘instant society’ over the last ten plus years or more.  We are raising kids who will not know how to function without technology and some of them don’t know what it means to wait.

I am only stating this as I observe it on a daily basis at work.  You see I work at MacCafe, the local Apple Premium Service provider here in Toledo.  I am the first line of help for our customers, triaging the computers, iPods, iPads, and making appointments for some repairs. So I am usually the first one to deliver the news Continue reading

Emotional Abuse

There are many forms of abuse out there, but the most common or should I say the one that goes unnoticed the most is emotional abuse. This is otherwise known as conditional love or acceptance. I was first exposed to it and a victim of it when I was in school. First through twelfth grades were a living nightmare somedays because I didn’t fit into any of the social norms for some of the kids, I walked to my own drummer sort of speak.

Anyway enough about me, more on the subject at hand. I learned growing up that family is suppose to love you unconditionally no mater what. However every once in awhile you may make a decision that is right for you but your family doesn’t agree and may disown and argue with you. That my friend is called conditional love and has Continue reading

What is Religion?

According to the Webster’s Dictionary the definition of religion is “the belief in a god or in a group of gods; an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used to worship a god or a group of gods; an interest, a belief, or an activity that is very important to a person or group.” My personal opinion on what religion is, is the belief that there is a higher power or non-corporeal entity that created the world and watches over and protects the people.

Most everyone thinks their religion is the one true religion. Heck we even have religious wars, do the Crusades ring a bell, because some people think so highly of their religion. Different religious beliefs can even tear families apart. What some people don’t stop to think about Continue reading

Ignorance is not always bliss

I’m sure most of you have heard the phrase ‘ignorance is bliss’, right? Well I’m here to tell you that ignorance is not always bliss. Ignorance can lead to fear of the unknown, which can lead to hate. At this point the quote from Yoda in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace comes to mind. The quote I’m referring to is: “Fear is the path Continue reading

About Heather A. Buford

I’m a what you see is what you get (WYSIWYG) kind of girl. So why do I have a blog you may ask, well to break out of that protective cocoon.  I want to fly with the Butterflies and reach for the stars.  As I’m sure many of you want as well.

I love to write, but until recently it has been mainly for me. I have always used writing as a healing tool, a way to vent all the frustrated emotions that build up because we are taught not show emotions in public, and Goddess forbid Continue reading