What is Human during the Pandemic?

Show of hands not required all I’m asking is for you to think. How many of you have had an Us verses them situation happen sometime in the last few years during the pandemic? I’m asking as I have on both the mask requirement and then the vaccine for the virus. Yes, I only left my house a few times during the height of everything, and yet I’m still being judged. I’ve expressed my opinion on Social Media only to receive massive criticism to the point of people unfriending which is fine because if you let a simple opinion decide who you are friends with then it’s not a real friendship.

Let me touch on the touchiest topic of the face mask requirement that is everywhere. First, I completely understand the need for them especially if you are an essential worker in retail, teaching or health care. I understand why, and how quickly it spreads. That is the reason both my husband and I limited our contact with people to immediate family and a handful of close friends. You see we both have breathing issues when wearing masks, he has chronic sinusitis with asthmatic symptoms and I’m a severe asthmatic with allergies.

Have you ever tried sneezing with a face mask on when a severe allergy attack hits? No, well let me tell you it’s like a baby diaper after diarrhea. I know not the most pleasant of pictures, however I’d have to carry a diaper bag just for the masks, as I’d have to change it every time I sneeze. Not to mention the dirty looks I’d get for sneezing in public. Been there done that, don’t want to do it again, so I’ve limited my time out. I even did video appointments and postponed my medical testing as I really don’t want to go into a hospital at this point, even if I could wear a mask. You see during the worst of my allergies I tend to get colds easily. Luckily my doctors have agreed to postpone my regular testing.

The CDC has required a 6 foot distance and a face mask for people to be out shopping or interacting with others. When I had to go out I’d give people a 12 foot distance as well as doing curbside pickup. My in-laws at one point asked if there is anything we needed when going to the store, if the list is to long my Husband would go with them, that is because he has a stronger immune system then I and he tries to triple the social distancing requirement.

Still people are getting mad at us not wearing a mask. Unfortunately instead of listening to what is going on people, especially those of us in the USA, were focused on the media constantly repeating the word “Required”. The options that some have givento make wearing a mask easier are appreciated. However, they need to stop and think if it would still increase CO2, decrease blood oxygen levels and weaken the immune system.

Then they came out with the vaccine and media used the words recommended or required for certain people with immune comprised systems. I understood why certain groups had a strong recommendation for the vaccine. I however have allergies to certain medications, and made an educated decision to not get the vaccine. My husband made the same decision based on some of the side effects that happened. Because of our decisions we were ostracized by some family members. It got to the point where a vaccination requirement was implied to attend. It hurt to be excluded from one side and included by another.

One final message about all this. We as the human race need to work together to learn:

01) patience

02) how to listen

03) understanding

04) empathy (this is a hard one for some people)

05) acceptance

06) tolerance

07) courage

08) how to think (another hard one for some)

09) how to research and find our own answers

10) not to blindly follow

11) to reach out to those you care about

This was a hard time in our history with all of the “us verses them” added to the isolation that happened. We are all one race, the Human race, lets start acting like it and care for one another.

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