What is Human?

You most likely saw the title and asked yourself, “Isn’t she human or is she an alien from outer space?” I am classified as part of the human species, but sometimes feel like I’m part of a different species all together. You may ask “Why?”, my answer would have to be “Read on to find out”. Don’t give me that “Oh man, no fair.” statement. Yes, I knew exactly what you were thinking; it’s part of why I feel like a different species.


A little background about myself and why I feel different sometimes. I am an observer by nature and nurture; yes both. I was a born an observer, re-enforced from bullying while growing up. It gave me the training I needed to blend into the background and because of this unique ability to watch and listen to things going on with nobody the wiser. In high school I knew who had the parties, when they happened, and if there was alcohol. They never invited me to the parties and, since my bullies attended, I never wanted to go. What my class does not know however, I was never the one who told anyone in power about my knowledge and figured the idiots doing something stupid were the ones who needed to fess up and pay the price.

Okay, back to the primary subject. I still observe and find things interesting. Some would call these things I see as evolution. I however question if it’s devolution. Before you go off the handle and start berating me for even thinking such a thing read my observations first, then form your own opinion. After reading what I have to say, think it over and then comment below.

I was born in the early 1970s. Not a bad time to grow up. My generation has seen the evolution of technology, both good and bad. I have also been able to observe humans become more materialistic. Holiday shopping comes to mind. I don’t remember people being as rude and violent back then either. The only thing I can remember adults rioting over was Cabbage Patch Dolls one Christmas season. Back then, the holiday shopping started on the Friday after Thanksgiving. Most everyone had the day off, most men stayed home and watched the Football games. Now however people are out shopping for the best deal on the latest electronic on Thanksgiving instead of spending time with their family, by blood or choice, and friends. People are even rioting over who gets the last television, iPhone, Tablet or whatever the hot new electronic is for the year.

People have also become increasingly self absorbed and less courteous because of it. You are most likely thinking “No I’m not.” Let me finish before you contradict me again. Society has been more obsessed with mobile smart phones. People are always talking, texting, listening to their favorite music, even playing the latest RPG while on the move. Another thing I have noticed, when I’m nice and patient while out shopping people will look at me like I have two heads. I am always surprised people don’t understand common courtesies anymore. I remember shopping with my Mom, Grandmother and Great Aunts when everyone was always polite to everyone else it was rare when you ran across someone who lacked the common courtesies. Now it’s rare when you come across someone with common courtesies, so I usually get a surprised look when I am courteous.

Think on this for a while, comment, and keep thinking creatively.

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