Emotional Abuse

There are many forms of abuse out there, but the most common or should I say the one that goes unnoticed the most is emotional abuse. This is otherwise known as conditional love or acceptance. I was first exposed to it and a victim of it when I was in school. First through twelfth grades were a living nightmare somedays because I didn’t fit into any of the social norms for some of the kids, I walked to my own drummer sort of speak.

Anyway enough about me, more on the subject at hand. I learned growing up that family is suppose to love you unconditionally no mater what. However every once in awhile you may make a decision that is right for you but your family doesn’t agree and may disown and argue with you. That my friend is called conditional love and has no place in families. Families need to recognize the individuality in each of it members and accept them for who or what each person is in the family structure.

We all have a place in this world, in our families and in our friends lives, and if some can’t accept us then neither blood nor friendship ties alone mean they are true family or friends. Breaking away from the abusers is the hardest thing the victim can do, trust me been there done that, especially when the victim has a loyal side towards the people they love.

Please know this, if you are a victim of emotional abuse, live, love and be yourself no matter what. You will be happier in the end and the hurt from breaking the ties will only last a short time. True friends and family will love you for who you are no strings attached.


  1. More true words have not been spoken. Emotional abuse is a horrible experience! That old phrase “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” That is completely false. Words do hurt and their effects can stick around a lot longer than physical wounds ever will. This is a great website to help anyone with some sort of abusive situation: http://www.thehotline.org/. Although they mainly deal with domestic abuse, there are a plethora of resources in it. Ultimately, regardless of the abusive situation, you have to realize you are better than what is being thrown at you and you do not deserve the treatment being given. (((hugs))) to you my dear friend!

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