Adults or Over Grown Children

I know some of you are probably thinking “What the heck is she talking about?” I am not an over grown child. You may not be, I am talking about those times when we have melt downs and turn into a five year old or similar.  Then there are the few adults who never grow up with video game addictions, “man caves” or resort to high school games of back stabbing. I’m sure you’re all familiar with this type; nice to your face then you hear rumors of them bad mouthing you behind your back.

I believe we are all capable of turning into children at times, but there is a proper place and time for this sort of behavior.  For example acting like an over grown kid at an amusement park is, for lack of a better phrase, called for but we must remember our manors. Even at home relaxing with a kids movie or show; going back to our childhood for a half hour or so just to forget the trials of the day. Then you have the people who play games, meaning video games or even role playing games, to get into a different character or mindset for a short time again to unstress.

All those are fine and we as adults need to do these things to recharge our creative batteries. But what is not fine or even called for as a kid or an adult is bullying and back stabbing.  That is hurtful at any age and only makes you seem very ugly inside and out.

You may ask yourself why I’m writing this now, or even at all, right? Well this is something that has been on my mind ever since I was a child. You see, I was bullied and talked about behind my back as a child. This has carried over into my adulthood. Yep it still happens to me no matter how much more I take the high road or how nice I am to the person in question.

If we want our kids to stop this same behavior then we as adults need stop this behavior. After all children learn to do as we do not as we say, right?


    • Sonya Bracho on September 13, 2015 at 9:47 PM
    • Reply

    I’m learning, or at least trying to learn to just not take things personally. Bad behavior is a reflection on the perpetrator, not a reflection of my true worth as a person . So why have hurt feelings? As I get older, I care less and less if people like me. If you back stab me, I have no use for you in my life. I know that sounds pretty harsh, but I just don’t care anymore. Of course, there are relationships that you just can’t end. Maybe they are professional or job related. I’m at the point in my life where I’ve decided I’m not putting up the crap- even professionally. If you treat me bad, I’ll call you on it. 🙂 I wish that I had learned those skills when I was younger. I remember going home from school in elementary and sobbing to Aunt Clara because some mean girl said I had a big butt and ran like a girl. If my 40 year old self could go back in time and tell my ten year old self what was up- I’d tell that mean girl to shut up (or something more colorful.) As a child I was encouraged to just ignore it- but ignoring anything doesn’t make it stop. Bullying will NEVER stop unless someone addresses it. What we can stop is how we let it affect us 🙂

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