Beta Blockers, Slowly Dying from Surviving

Stretch, Yawn! Oh, excuse me, I’m finally waking up after a 6.5 year nap. I almost feel like ‘Sleeping Beauty’ or Lestat. You’re most likely reading this with some confusion right? Don’t worry, I’m getting to my point shortly.

But before I get to my point, I have one very simple question for all of you. I know, I know, I’m always asking you questions. All I’m doing though is trying to make you think and think for your own answers not someone else’s answer. Wow, sorry about that I’m way off topic now. Anyway, the question is; Have you ever had a day, week, or month where you were on autopilot and time was a blur?

I can honestly answer yes and it was for 6 1/2 years. Yep, you read that right 6 1/2 years. I don’t want to bore you with the long drawn out story. So, I’m just going to cut to the chase.

Why Beta Blockers

I went onto Toprol XL (Beta Blocker) about 6 1/2 years ago now, because I passed out in a pool after taking Zyrtec for my allergies. After three days of hospital tests the doctors decided I needed to take a Beta Blocker. The Toprol XL was not only for Pro-longed QT syndrome.

Well, the short of the long is that I recently went into the doctors for retesting. I did this because I just couldn’t seem to wake up in the morning; I knew it was the medicine because I was fine on the days when I forgot to take it. The all knowing heart doctor, and nurses too, just told me there is no test to find Pro-longed QT syndrome. I lost 6.5yrs of my life based only on their assumption I had Long QT syndrome.

Waking Up

Good news! Until I hear solid proof for me to take Beta Blockers, I’m not taking it anymore.

Stretch, hello world. Heather’s awake, thinking clearly and creatively.

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