My First Goetic Daemon Vessel Experience

I debated long and hard about publishing this experience for the public to read; in the end I decided to publish it as there are some messages we as a nation and world need to hear.  Please note everything in this account did happen, it was in a controlled environment being preformed by a professional.   


The beings we traditionally call Demons/Daemons are actually from a world that is neither here nor there. Neither Heaven or Hell. They have their own language and don’t understand our world yet yearn for a physical body. They are not evil and have knowledge we as humans need to hear.

Michelle Balenger with Me Heather Buford

I had the privilege to attend Harsh Justice: Invocation of the 72 Goetic Powers a ritual by Michelle Belanger held the evening of Friday, February 21, 2020. I volunteered and was chosen to be a vessel for one of the 7 Goetic daemons. This was my first time as a vessel for any spirit and I felt it important to write down my experience, the messages that were given through me and those messages from the other daemons. I reached out to some of the other volunteer vessels and am including their experience with no other names given than my own. I am sharing this with permission from Michelle Belanger as the messages we received during this ritual need to be heard by everyone, not just those in the Pagan community.

The daemon I hosted was Vine. This is what I found on Wikapedia about it: (KING\COUNT) Vine (also Viné, Vinea; pronounced Vinay) is an Earl and also a King of Hell, commanding 36 legions of demons. He can tell present, past and future, discover witches and hidden things, create storms and make the water rough by means of them, and also bring down walls and build towers. This demon is portrayed as a lion holding a snake in his hand and riding a black horse. The etymology of his name seems to be the Latin word ‘vinea’, vine, that is also the name given to an ancient war machine made of wood and covered with leather and branches, used to overthrow walls.


When Vine entered me I had a warm sensation first in my arms, then legs, my face was the last to warm. I remember slowly opening my eyes a few times before keeping them open. Seeing was different and hard to explain. It wasn’t clearer or sharper; almost like I was seeing for the first time. My tongue felt thicker in my mouth, foreign almost, and dry. My hearing was sharper as well.

The English language was foreign to my ears, I remember Vine asking permission to search the language center of my brain so it could hear and speak its messages; a process that only took a few minutes.

My body seemed to be to small for it as it tried to stretch me taller. My posture was straighter; almost regal. My neck was stiff, like it was not use to the human bodies range of motion. At one point Vine realized it was holding something in my hands, looked at the paper/scroll for the first time and read it. When it let my hand drop it unknowingly released the paper letting it float down to the floor/ground. Then it realized the hands and looked at them as if for the first time. Perhaps I was its first vessel?


There were seven Daemons that were summoned or asked to come and give us messages of help. Those Daemons include: Agares, Andromalius, Foras, Ipos, Malphas, Marchosias and Vine.

Message from Agare:

“Small acts. You seek only big ones and you ignore your neighbors’ small kindnesses.”

My personal opinion on this message is that we (humans) put too much focus on the big acts of kindness and ignore the small ones. We need to put focus on the everyday little things we do for our fellow neighbor.

Messages from Andromalius:

This Daemon was the most outspoken of all that were invited. The messages from it were;

Fear without reason. Prejudice for what we are taught.

When asked about where their essence or energy comes from;

From same place as yours if you dare seek it out. You are older than the stars.

When asked what we can take away from ConVocation;

Power (another Daemon answered Strength to this question.)

When asked about reminders by Michelle;

Remind of Freedom of choice. To hold your power. Security lies in confidence rather then letting those who take put wedges of doubt in your mortal minds. When you find your confidence you find your worth.

When asked about the issues of our government and which is better;

You are asking me/us about a human/mortal government, we have no knowledge of mortal/human government.

The other Daemons laughed at this question.

Messages from Malphas:

I see your books, with the blank pages. You pay no credence to your words anymore. You’ve become weak. You let them linger by. You care more about the drink in the chalice than you do your words. Your words hold your power. You let them take your words, you let them take your power. Do not drink them away. They are written for reasons.”

“Put your belief behind the words you speak and mean them.”

When speaking with the vessel for Malaphos, she felt it was annoyed and frustrated with humans petty questions and limited focus. She also said the message implied we don’t put as much meaning behind our words as our drink. The vessel said she felt as if the daemon wanted to spread wings out of her back. Also, it left her with an image of a lotus or cactus flower and an energy ball. She confirmed with Michelle the energy ball was the daemon’s energy so she would know it if and when it returned to them.

Messages from Vine:

Mortals need to be reminded that they need to join together rather than fight apart to make change and knock down the walls.”

Basically we (humans) are stronger together to tear down the walls for change.

Go into your fear (face our fears and use them for the fight)

When asked about how to help the kids;

Teach them to face their fears

Fight for them

Fight with them (fight along side of them)

When asked about the distractions in the world;

These distractions you speak of are what is causing you to fight separately and not together. Put down the distractions and fight together to tear down the walls.

Of the other three Daemons one other spoke, but I am unable to remember what it’s message was, and it was hard to make out on the recording an audience member graciously provided.

All in all this was an experience I will never forget. Rest assured if I intended to do it again, it will be with Michelle Belanger or someone else who knows what they are doing and can pull the plug if anything starts going wrong. (read “Don’t try this at home kids.”)

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