About Heather A. Buford

I’m a what you see is what you get (WYSIWYG) kind of girl. So why do I have a blog you may ask, well to break out of that protective cocoon.  I want to fly with the Butterflies and reach for the stars.  As I’m sure many of you want as well.

I love to write, but until recently it has been mainly for me. I have always used writing as a healing tool, a way to vent all the frustrated emotions that build up because we are taught not show emotions in public, and Goddess forbid that we show them at work especially if you are in customer service.  My husband is a saint, or in my case the Gods knew he would be prefect for me, he takes so much crap from me when I get home from work.  Granted he will give it back when I turn into a dog with an old bone. But that is only one of the many reasons we were made for each other.

Like most people I have many masks, only a select portion of friends and family see the true me, but I am trying to change that; it’s a very slow process. Anyway, I have my work mask, I have my all business mask (which I really dislike because she is a total bitch), then there’s my party mask for public, one for family that’s not that close and finally the true me. Oh I know I missed one or two I just covered the ones I tend to use everyday. As I stated I’m trying to slowly get rid of the masks and show the true me more often.

So who is the true Heather?  Well I’m a Witch for one. Yes you are reading that correctly, if I were speaking to you I would “Did I stutter? If you don’t like it then go away.” If you were family that doesn’t like it I would say “I’m the same Heather you grew up with, I just grew a backbone and now have a broomstick. The flying monkeys are a bonus so deal with it.”  Next I’m a writer, a homebody, a cook, a wife, a service administrator at the local Apple reseller and service center.

What do I do in my free time? Let’s see I spend time with my husband, friends and family (family does not have to be related by blood quantum but that’s another topic), listen to various types of music from Bach to Ozzy Osbourne. My husband and I are also Board Chairs of the Toledo Neighborhood Block Watch.

Who are you really? How many masks do you have? How many people seek the real you? Answer if you wish, but mostly think about the questions. In the meantime, please continue reading or viewing my blog packed with my opinions, rants and general views on many subjects. You’re opinions, comments and the like are always welcome.

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